The 4-H ATV Safety program will provide you with all the materials you'll need to help youth and adults learn to ride safely. They include:
Summary Descriptions Follow:
4-H ATV Safety Leader’s Guide
The Leader's Guide was developed to help you teach young people and adults about all-terrain vehicle safety. The Guide includes experiential "classroom style" activities. View the contents listing and first chapter sample on the above "Leader Guide Sample Document link.
Since accidents happen to people riding ATVs, riders need to be educated about safe operation of ATVs before they climb on board. Taking risks on a motorized vehicle can lead to death or injury. More than 6,400 ATV-related deaths have occurred since the early 1980s; thousands of people are injured riding ATVs each year.
The Leader's Guide is not intended to be used in place of a certified riding course, such as the one offered by the ATV Safety Institute ( ATV RiderCourseSM). It is intended to be used with audiences that have never ridden ATVs or those that are actively riding and need education regarding safe practices.
How Can This Curriculum Help Keep Riders Safe?
In this Leader's Guide, we focus on safely riding ATVs, helping youth understand that it's normal to be well trained, wear safety gear, ride at appropriate speeds, and avoid risks. Our Leader's Guide emphasizes safety issues while enhancing the abilities of participants to think critically and assess risk more successfully.
The educational messages in this curriculum also are targeted at parents, guardians, and caregivers. Parents care for their children, but may not fully understand the danger inherent in the activities they allow. Adults need to carefully supervise young riders, ensure they are wearing proper safety equipment, and follow other protective measures. Parents and caregivers should not underestimate the risks of riding improperly or overestimate the skills of young riders.
For additional information and promotional items that will get riders excited about ATV Safety, visit the 4-H Mall.
Ohio has developed an ATV Safety Project Book: 555 ATV Safety
Appropriate for all age levels, these lessons rely in large part on information from the ATV Safety Institute and are designed to put safety first. Covers getting familiar with your ATV, protective gear, riding techniques, safe strategies and safe practices, and respecting the environment. Includes practice records. The member project guide includes space for related learning experiences, leadership/citizenship activities, and project review. Enrollment in an ASI RiderCourse is recommended but not required. 65 color pages! $6.25 plus shipping. This and other Ohio 4-H publications are available online from the Ohio State University Extension eStore.